we have come up with an idea of launching hot air balloons over YoWindow landscapes.
Download new YoWindow to enjoy the balloons!
The launch of a balloon is a rare event.
It happens once in 20 minutes in average.
Don't want to wait?
Press Ctrl-B to launch a new balloon.
Make sure the wind is strong enough
Balloons are not launched when the wind speed is less than 2 m/s (2.23 mph)
A little surprise: Type "fiesta" on the keyboard, wait 5 - 20 seconds and see what happens.
If you don't want the balloon to fly away - drag it back with your mouse

Balloons are not launched under severe weather conditions when
-it's raining or it is snowing
-temperature is less than -15 degrees Celsius
-wind speed more than 15 m/s or less than 2 m/s
As usual, balloons are already available for your website or blog in YoWindow weather widget
Development discussion
As usual, we will be happy to read your comments here.
Yura and Pasha.