YoWindow weather widget loosing in weight!

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YoWindow weather widget loosing in weight!

Post by par »

This week I've been shrinking YoWindow widget file size.
It took 7 days of hard work.
To make the widget open fast.

Last widget version size was 846 Kilobytes
New version size is 563K

This is 30% less

I'm proud of myself :)

Of course when the widget has already been loaded once, the next time it is not downloaded.
Because it is kept in the browser cache.

But, when a new user visits your page, she will see the weather much faster than before.

One more thing.
We have a couple of new variables for the widget: now you can control METAR weather station
and the weather provider (yr.no or NWS).
See widget variables page for the details.

As usual, error reports are welcome.

Do you have a friend who has a blog?
Does he/she know the best way in the world to share the view from the window?
Please let him/her now about this page.

Widget + your picture-landscape tutorial is coming soon...
Get YoWindow weather app for your phone or tablet.

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