YoWindow 3: Locations + Landscapes are gone

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Name: beo

YoWindow 3: Locations + Landscapes are gone

Post by beo »

I installed YoWindow 3 (Mac) (registered) just today - I really like it because it's so beautiful and well designed.
Macbook pro, OS 10.9.2, RAM 16 GB
Over the past few hours I added many locations and landscapes, each of them by "apply" and "OK"; after having done so, I could go through the whole list several times and pick them without any issue, so I guess there was no need or possibility to additionally "save" the alterations because I alreday had.
Then I left the macbook for a while and later on worked with other apps (which were open and working during all the installation and adding process), YoWindow still open, but small in the dock.

Here's the problem: when I resized the window to reappear (which was small in the dock), the app had lost all locations and landscapes added, only my hometown and the four examples (NY, Tokyo etc.) remained, also the landscape combined with NY had gone. And, yes, the app still knew that I registered.

Once more, I didn't even close the app.

Now I did, hoping that by re-opening I the added options would be back, but no.
After closing, I took a look into the options.xml file in applincation support, I think it does show only the default options (and my hometown, wuppertal):
<wimo locale="en" lang="de" patchIndex="2">
<ui visible="true" showFullScreenButton="true">
<days expanded="false" nTiles="3"/>
<wind visible="false"/>
<locationChooser initialPath="#allContinents/2921044/2931919" scope="all"/>
<inspector showNaParams="true">
<location visible="true"/>
<weather visible="true">
<temperature visible="true"/>
<temperatureRange visible="true"/>
<skyImage visible="true"/>
<skyDescription visible="true"/>
<wind visible="true"/>
<feelsLike visible="true"/>
<pressure visible="true"/>
<humidity visible="true"/>
<precipitationChance visible="true"/>
<precipitationAmount visible="false"/>
<visibility visible="false"/>
<dailyRainTotal visible="false"/>
<snowLevel visible="false"/>
<uv visible="false"/>
<dewPoint visible="false"/>
<observeTime visible="true"/>
<astronomy visible="false">
<sunrise visible="true"/>
<sunset visible="true"/>
<dayLength visible="true"/>
<moonPhase visible="true"/>
<daylightDiagram show="false"/>
<sound enabled="true" enabledInScreenSaver="true" volume="0.52"/>
<license autoId="1459D6A1495" type="unlimited"/>
<version current="3.0.166" significant="3.0.166" timestamp="2014-04-26T11:01:55Z">
<details>- Autumn leaves effect (hello, Australia!)
- April 1 support
- Type "UFO" or "invasion" for a surprize</details>
<breakingNews id="3">
<banner background="#FFFFFF" imgScript="http://sb1.yowindow.com/yo/breaking_news/get_image.php" imgName="ios_free_promo" imgExt="jpg" url="https://itunes.apple.com/app/id799653744"/>
<label url="https://itunes.apple.com/app/id799653744" text="Free YoWindow for iPad and iPhone"/>
<newVersion pending="true"/>
<breakingNews lastId="3" bannerPending="false" labelPending="true"/>
<unitSystem selected="metric"/>
<favoriteLocations homeLocationId="gn:2805753" selectedId="gn:2805753">
<location landscape="com.yowindow.village">
<server id="gn:2805753" name="Wuppertal" path="2921044/2861876/2805753" latitude="51.27" longitude="7.18" e_time_zone="2:00" season_map="03.01:naked/04.01:spring/06.15:summer/09.15:autumn/11.01:naked/12.01:winter" icao_id="EDDL" e_digest="e16236cbfc04cb5e23f83ec48f8ebfed_2:00"/>
<location landscape="com.yowindow.airport">
<server id="gn:5128581" name="New York City" path="6252001/5128638/5128581" latitude="40.71" longitude="-74.01" e_time_zone="-4:00" season_map="02.25:naked/04.02:spring/05.02:summer/10.17:autumn/11.22:naked/12.17:winter" icao_id="KLGA" e_digest="083b44ea9b791bea59f8b50d43f42c7c_-4:00_64d8d429d116d9e52520596281d34d45">
<ls src="Statue of Liberty" name="The Statue of Liberty"/>
<ls src="ny_skyline" name="New York skyline"/>
<location landscape="com.yowindow.oriental">
<server id="gn:1850147" name="Tokyo" path="1861060/1850144/1850147" latitude="35.61" longitude="139.58" e_time_zone="9:00" season_map="02.20:spring/03.20:summer/12.05:autumn/12.20:naked" icao_id="RJTT" e_digest="d44d7d8922c0a73107e03c32b25e82ea_9:00"/>
<location landscape="com.yowindow.seaside">
<server id="gn:5368361" name="Los Angeles" path="6252001/5332921/5368361" latitude="34.05" longitude="-118.24" e_time_zone="-7:00" season_map="02.20:spring/03.20:summer/12.05:autumn/12.20:naked" icao_id="KCQT" e_digest="706e82104e1cbfe298ed64b9399834f8_-7:00"/>
<server id="gn:2643743" name="London" path="2635167/6269131/2643743" latitude="51.51" longitude="-0.13" e_time_zone="1:00" season_map="01.01:winter/03.01:naked/03.20:spring/06.21:summer/09.23:autumn/11.15:naked" icao_id="EGWU" e_digest="735316c7880c91f0bc9060bcc07ebcbb_1:00"/>
<saver closeOnInputEvent="false" hudStyle="all"/>

This is quite disappointing, I had added about seven new locations and combined new landscapes to most of the default locations. Is there any way to get all the options back?
How can I avoid running the same error? I'd like to customize again - but not repeatedly.

Help appreciated - best wishes,
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Re: YoWindow 3: Locations + Landscapes are gone

Post by par »

Dear Beo, I'm sorry for the delay.
Can you send me a direct email regarding this problem to support@repkasoft.com?
I hope I can help you to fix the problem by detailed investigation of the case on your Mac.

At the moment I'm out of ideas why YoWindow misbehaving on your Mac.
There must be something special case.
Get YoWindow weather app for your phone or tablet.

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