System tray temperature number very hard to see!

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Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2016 6:07 pm
Name: frankf

System tray temperature number very hard to see!

Post by frankf »

If you got rid of the "degree" symbol (surely it's not needed, anyone with even reasonable intelligence would know the number is the temperature and that the temperature is measured in degrees) you would have room for a LARGER number. And too, the type face is very thin and faint, making it even harder to read. Perhaps an option to make it more boldface! As a grownup (yes teenagers with their sharp eyes have no problem), must squint to see the number, and especially with the high-resolution monitors they have now, the task bar is already thin. The space above the number (occupying nearly half of the total space) is empty, blank! - just to accommodate that tiny degree symbol. A waste.
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