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Weathercat and yowindow.xml

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:01 pm
by cdurnal
I can get weather cat on my iMac to replace the tags in a yowindow.xml, but yowindow will not process the resulting data (I get "no weather"). here is a copy pf the yowindow.xml. Can any one help? I have been working on this for a long time!

Code: Select all

<!-- L$ D$ -->
<!--YOWINDOW XML - PWS SPECS WeatherCat  version: 2.30 date: 2013-12-24 14:56:26 -->
<!-- Remove auto_update section if wanting the default, otherwise in seconds -->
<!-- Remove snow section if not inputting snow -->
<!-- Remove the uv and solar tags if those sensors aren't present -->
      <interval value="300"/> 
    <temperature unit="TEMPUNITS$">
      <current value="STAT$TEMPERATURE:CURRENT$"/> 
      <feels_like value="STAT$AT_US:CURRENT$"/> 	  
    <humidity value="STAT$EXTHUMIDITY:CURRENT$"/> 
    <pressure value="STAT$PRESSURE:CURRENT$" unit="PRESSUREUNITS$" trend="STAT$PRESSURE:DELTA1$"/> 
      <gusts value="STAT$WINDGUST:CURRENT$"  unit="WINDSPEEDUNITS$" /> 	  
      <direction value="STAT$WINDDIRECTION:CURRENT$" /> 
           <daily_total value="STAT$RAIN:TOTAL:TODAY$%"  unit="RAINUNITS$"/>

I forgot: here is the xml when weather cat is finished with it:

<!-- Daisendorf Am G&#228;rtlesberg 4 Jan 2014 3:07 PM -->
<!--YOWINDOW XML - PWS SPECS WeatherCat  version: 2.30 date: 2013-12-24 14:56:26 -->
<!-- Remove auto_update section if wanting the default, otherwise in seconds -->
<!-- Remove snow section if not inputting snow -->
<!-- Remove the uv and solar tags if those sensors aren't present -->
      <interval value="300"/> 
    <temperature unit="&#176;F">
      <current value="40.9"/> 
      <feels_like value="37.8"/> 	  
    <humidity value="96"/> 
    <pressure value="29.51" unit="inHg" trend="-0.00"/> 
      <speed value="3" unit="MPH"/> 
      <gusts value="8"  unit="MPH" /> 	  
      <direction value="122" /> 
           <daily_total value="0.01%"  unit="in"/>
    <uv value="0.0"/> 
    <solar energy="0"/>    

Re: Weathercat and yowindow.xml

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:03 pm
by cdurnal
Problem solved! Weathercat is putting Fahrenheit data in the yo window.xml, and my yowindow units was set to centigrade. :Yahoo!:

Re: Weathercat and yowindow.xml

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:31 am
by par
I'm glad you have found the solution, thank you for sharing with the community.
Enjoy YoWindow! :)